At this post, I added step by step how to create a virtual switch on HP-UX vPAR and assign it to the vPAR VM nodes.
Step 1:Create new APA device lan901
Check if 901 is free to use.
#nwmgr -S apa -I 901 -A all #nwmgr -a -S apa -c lan901 -A links=1,2 -A mode=LAN_MONITOR -A lb=LB_HS #nwmgr -S apa -I 901 -A all #nwmgr -s -S apa -A all --saved --from cu
Step 2: Create Virtual Switch
#hpvmnet -c -S vm172 -n 901 #hpvmnet -S vm172
Step 3: Add vm node to Virtual Switch
#vparmodify -p VMNODEx -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:vm172 #hpvmnet -S vm172
If you have more VLANs, then you should define VLANID for ports.
#hpvmnet -S vm172 -u portid:1:vlanid:12 #hpvmnet -S vm172 -u portid:2:vlanid:22