How to disable fsck on boot

In Linux, when you import a  filesystem in "fstab" you need to define the FSCK  option. This option checks if filesystems last fsck time is more than certain days ago. In this case, the system performs an fsck operation. And on this step  If it fails you need to connect system from over Console or connect the serial port to apply fsck manually. Fsck operation can take a few minutes or hours which depends on your filesystem size.

If you need to fast boot  I recommend disabling FSCK  on boot.

There are a  few ways to disable FSCK  on boot.

First :

You can change fstab; In fstab file, last column refers to the FSCK  option. For root filesystem it should be "1" for the other  "2". If you want  to disable FSCK  just  change it to "0"

# cat /etc/fstab |grep svn
/dev/mapper/vgroot-LogVol02 /svn ext4 defaults 0 0


You can use  tune2fs  to change filesystem parameters.

# tune2fs -l /dev/vgroot/LogVol02 | egrep -i 'mount count|check'
Mount count: 5
Maximum mount count: 21
Last checked: Tue Nov 3 12:52:13 2015
Check interval: 15552000 (6 months)

First, you need to change  these  parameters;

  • Setting maximal mount count to "-1"
  • Setting interval between checks to "0" seconds.

Apply  new settings  with  this  command;

#tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 -l /dev/vgroot/LogVol02 | egrep -i 'mount count|check'
Setting maximal mount count to -1
Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds
Mount count: 5
Maximum mount count: -1
Last checked: Tue Nov 3 12:52:13 2015
Check interval: 0 (<none>)


Reboot system with "-f" option. But don't forget this is not permanently action. It 'll only perform boot without  FSCK  for this boot time. If your server crashed or rebooted without "-f"  option it 'll perform  FSCK  if it's defined on your configuration.

#shutdown -rf now


I'm a IT Infrastructure and Operations Architect with extensive experience and administration skills and works for Turk Telekom. I provide hardware and software support for the IT Infrastructure and Operations tasks.

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