How to remove SVM device in Oracle Solaris Cluster

This KB describes how to remove SVM devices in Oracle Solaris and also from diskset which is under control Oracle Solaris Cluster.

Step 1: Check Current Configurations

#scstat -g
— Resource Groups —
Group Name Node Name State Suspended
———- ——— —– ———
Group: xxxxbdb-rg xxxxbdbsunp00 Online Yes
Group: xxxxbdb-rg xxxxbdbsunp01 Offline Yes
Group: xxxfra-rg xxxxbdbsunp00 Online Yes
Group: xxxfra-rg xxxxbdbsunp01 Offline Yes
# metaset|grep -w “Set name”
Set name = <disksetname>, Set number = 1
Set name = <disksetname>, Set number = 2
#metaset -s <disksetname>
#metaset -s <disksetname>

-After you checked all configurations ,you should get an explorer for a failed operation.


Step 2: Find which SVM device ‘ll be removed

-If you need to remove a mount point which is under control of cluster resource , first you need to remove this mount point in cluster resource confiurations.

#clresource show -v|grep global
FilesystemMountPoints: /global/X1 /global/X2 /global/X3 /global/X4[

-We ‘ll perform this operation for X3 and X4 filesystems.
-Check “df -h” output;

#df -h |egrep ‘X3|X4’
/dev/md/xxxphsds/dsk/d56   454G 38G 412G 9% /global/X3
/dev/md/xxxphsds/dsk/d155  236G 105G 129G 46% /global/X4

-We ‘ll remove SVM devices which is D56 and D155

# metastat -s <disksetname> d155
xxxphsds/d155: Mirror
Submirror 0: xxphsds/d156
State: Okay
Pass: 1
Read option: roundrobin (default)
Write option: parallel (default)
Size: 503162880 blocks (239 GB)
xxxphsds/d156: Submirror of xxxphsds/d155
State: Okay
Size: 503162880 blocks (239 GB)
Stripe 0:
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
d79s0 0 No Okay No
Device Relocation Information:
Device Reloc Device ID
d79 No –
# metastat -s oraphsds d56
xxxphsds/d56: Mirror
Submirror 0: xxxphsds/d57
State: Okay
Pass: 1
Read option: roundrobin (default)
Write option: parallel (default)
Size: 967618560 blocks (461 GB)
xxxphsds/d57: Submirror of xxxphsds/d56
State: Okay
Size: 967618560 blocks (461 GB)
Stripe 0: (interlace: 32 blocks)
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
d67s0 0 No Okay No
d65s0 0 No Okay No
Device Relocation Information:
Device Reloc Device ID
d67 No –
d65 No –
# metastat -s <disksetname> d56

Step 3: Remove SVM Device.

-First check your cluster state . It must be suspended and there musn’t be any process under the filesystems which you ‘ll perform unmount operations.

#scstat -g
#clrg suspend <clusterresourcename>
— Resource Groups —
Group Name Node Name State Suspended
———- ——— —– ———
Group: xxxxbdb-rg xxxxbdbsunp00 Online Yes
Group: xxxxbdb-rg xxxxbdbsunp01 Offline Yes
Group: xxxfra-rg xxxxbdbsunp00 Online Yes
Group: xxxfra-rg xxxxbdbsunp01 Offline Yes

-unmount filesystems or remove them under cluster configurations it ‘ll automatically unmount them;
# scrgadm -c -j <ClusterResourcename> -x FilesystemMountPoints=”/global/X1 /global/X2″

This command which I added above ‘ll automatically unmount X3,X4 filesystem.It ‘ll update cluster configurations
-Remove SVM device;

# metaclear -s <disksetname> d56
# metaclear -s <disksetname> d155

Step 4:Remove DID device from Disk Set;

#metaset -s <disksetname> -d /dev/did/rdsk/d79 //for SVM d56
#metaset -s <disksetname> -d /dev/did/rdsk/d67 //for SVM d155
#metaset -s <disksetname> -d /dev/did/rdsk/d65 //for SVM d155

-Check diskset If you removed them;

#metaset -s <disksetname>|egrep ‘d79|d67|d65’

-Check Metadb if you removed from metadb to;

#metadb -s <disksetname>

-If there is a configuration for the device which you removed then use;

#metadb -s <disksetname> -d /dev/did/dsk/d79

After you finished operations If your storage admin needs these luns which we removed , please check cluster quorum disk. Maybe you defined these disks for cluster quorum disk

#clq list


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