If Oracle ILOM detects the FRU replacement, it ‘ll automatically clear the fault so Manuel clearing not needed. In some cases, you need to clear fault manually if it depends on a BUG or something like this.
Step 1:Login ILOM SP platform with SSH connection.
-> cd /SP/faultmgmt/
Step 2:Start Shell.
> start
Are you sure you want to start /SP/faultmgmt/shell (y/n)? y[/shell]
Step 3: Get a list of fault records.
faultmgmtsp> fmdump TIMESTAMP UUID MSGID 2013-12-04/12:25:15 943eb0ee-e567-e97f-c9bd-cdc2cebe8395 SPT-8000-5X 2013-12-04/12:27:07 c27e0d18-0a8f-e17a-ae5d-c46100a688bf SPT-8000-MJ
Step 4:Select repaired a record.
faultmgmtsp> fmadm repaired 943eb0ee-e567-e97f-c9bd-cdc2cebe8395