If you are getting trouble to upload PDF file which size is larger then 10 MB on WordPress you should check your Apache server mod_security configurations. I added some steps about how to disable mod_security for Apache Web Server.....
NTP Does not start at boot on RHEL7
RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 has new service named "chronyd". RedHat recommends using this service for the NTP Server/Client. ....
How to replace default SSL certificate for Vmware VCenter and ESXi hosts
You can replace the default self-signed ESXi and VCenter SSL certificate from CLI. First of all you should get an SSL certificate file and also a key file. You need to upload them under a directory from the VCenter server.....
How to Disable SSH Weak ciphers vulnerability for Brocade SAN Switch
You may have run a security scan and find out your system is effected "SSH Weak Algorithms Supported" vulnerability.....
How to use HP lt4132 mobile device on Linux
The HP lt4132 LTE/HSPA+ 4G Module comes with 3 different configurations. At this post, I will describe how to install 4G Module on Linux.....
How to configure device-mapper-multipath for EMC
At this post, I will add a brief explanation of "how to configure RHEL native multipath(device-mapper-multipath) for EMC storage".....