These messages appear on the veritas cluster management console when you try to bring up a resource group that agents faulted. Also, these messages appear on engine_A.log file. If an agent got a problem while startup you ‘ll get these messages. Please apply this action plan to fix the issue.
Error: Veritas Cluster:Group %s has agent(s) that failed on system %s
Step 1:Identify problematic agent.
-Run hastatus command to check which agent failed on startup. Sometimes in Linux server some modules get problem while server boots up.So veritas cluster agents are getting problem when they start.
#hastatus -sum — AGENTS FAILED — Type System J CFSMount TEST1SERVER J CFSMount TEST2SERVER
Step 2:Start problematic agent.
You can check "haagent -help" command to see which options you can run with "haagent" command.
# haagent -help VCS INFO V-16-1-10601 Usage: haagent -start <agent> -sys <system> haagent -stop <agent> [-force] -sys <system> haagent -display [<agent(s)>] [-attribute <attribute(s)>] haagent -dumpffdc <agent> -sys <system> haagent -list [<conditional(s)>] haagent -value <agent> <attr> haagent [-help [-list]]
How to start Veritas Cluster Agents?
#haagent -start CFSMount -sys TEST1SERVER #haagent -start CFSMount -sys TEST2SERVER