Powershell Script to check service memory usage

OutOfMemoryError error, Tomcat JVM memory allocation problem and memory leak are the most frequently reported Tomcat performance issues. If you are getting any of these issues, it can be too late to fix problem without restart service.

At this point, it will be more critical to monitor service memory usage to take action before getting problem. You can use this script to monitor service memory usage on Windows server.

Parameters and  PowerShell script  usage:

-serviceName =  Service  which  needs  to  monitor

-virtsize = Memory  Threshold  value

-control = HP Operation  Manager  Object  name

-grup = HP Operation  Manager  Alert Owner

#powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass C:\HPOOconfig\SystemControl\MemoryControl.ps1 -serviceName <ServiceName> -virtsize <VirtualMemorySize(MB)> -control <ControlName> -grup <AlertOwner> 
# Abdurrahim YILDIRIM #
# Service Memory Usage Control #
# How to run on CMD #
#powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass C:\HPOOconfig\SystemControl\MemoryControl.ps1 -serviceName <ServiceName> -virtsize <VirtualMemorySize(MB)> -control <ControlName> -grup <AlertOwner>
#Output Parameters which sent by user
#Server Environment#
$FilePATH = "C:\HPOOconfig\SystemControl\$serviceName"
$Servername = $env:computername
####Control function
$varService=Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter "name = '$serviceName'"
$PROCESSPIDs = $varService.ProcessID
$varProcessMem = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = '$PROCESSPIDs'"
$MemSizeBy = $varProcessMem.WS
$MemSizeFl = $MemSizeBy/1MB
$MemSize = [int]$MemSizeFl
#Test and alert function for HP Operation Manager#
write-host "$MemSize : $virtsize"
If ($MemSize -gt $virtsize) {
If (Test-Path $FilePATH)
Write-Host "Alert"
Add-Content $FilePATH "$serviceName Memory Usage bigger than $virtsize MB : $MemSize MB"
opcmsg a=$control o=$control s=Critical msg_text="$Servername server  $serviceName memory problem. Threshold: $virtsize MB - Calculated: $MemSize MB. $grup - call  !!!" node=$Servername
If (Test-Path $FilePATH)
del $FilePATH
opcmsg a=$control o=$control s=Normal msg_text="$Servername server  $serviceName memory problem fixed. Threshold: $virtsize MB - Calculated: $MemSize MB !!!" node=$Servername

I'm a IT Infrastructure and Operations Architect with extensive experience and administration skills and works for Turk Telekom. I provide hardware and software support for the IT Infrastructure and Operations tasks.

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