You can modify this script to check if is there any user locked. Also, It ‘ll send information about the user's status. You can change it as you wish. I have added a simple output.
#!/usr/bin/sh # Show deactivated users in a trusted system set -u PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/lbin hostNAME=`hostname` NOW=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y-%H:%M") MAIL_SUB=`echo "$hostNAME User Lock"` DEG1="" NOTTRUSTED=/sbin/true if [ -x /usr/lbin/modprpw ] then modprpw 1> /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 2 ] then NOTTRUSTED=/sbin/false fi fi if $NOTTRUSTED then print "\n This system is not a Trusted System" exit 1 fi REASON[1]="past password lifetime" REASON[2]="past last login time" REASON[3]="past absolute account lifetime" REASON[4]="exceeding unsuccessful login attempts" REASON[5]="password required and a null password" REASON[6]="admin lock" REASON[7]="password is a *" echo "$hostNAME Server Locked Account(s).\n" >/unixadmin/lockcheck printf "%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s\n" "Alert Date" "Hostname" "Alert Type" "Locked User" "Lock Reason" >> /unixadmin/lockcheck for USER in $(listusers | awk '{print $1}'|grep -vE 'daemon|bin:|adm|lp|hpdb|cimsrvr|opc_op|sfmdb|sshd|iwww|owww|hpsmh|smmsp|smbnull|tftp') do LOCKOUT=$(getprpw -r -m lockout $USER) ERR=$? if [ $ERR != 0 ] then print "getprpw failed, error = $ERR" exit $ERR fi # Since multiple reasons may exist in LOCKOUT, process # each bit position separately if [ $LOCKOUT != "0000000" ] then #print "\nUser "$USER" deactivated for:" for BIT in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do REASONBIT=$(echo $LOCKOUT | cut -c $BIT) if [ $REASONBIT != 0 ] then if [ $REASONBIT = 1 ] then DEG1=`print " ${REASON[$BIT]}"` else DEG1=`print " Bad character in lockout: $REASONBIT"` fi printf "%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s\n" "----------------" "----------------" "------------------" "------------------" "--------------------------" >> /unixadmin/lockcheck printf "%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s%-20s\n" "$NOW" "`hostname`" "User Lock" "$USER" "$DEG1" >> /unixadmin/lockcheck fi done fi done if cat /unixadmin/lockcheck|grep -q "User Lock" >/dev/null 2>&1 then cat /unixadmin/lockcheck|/usr/bin/mailx -s "$MAIL_SUB" fi