If else structure in Java

The if else structure is used to create decision mechanisms in the program. Basic structure

if (boolean variable or constant) {

      The operations to be applied when the value of the boolean variable or constant is true.

} else {

     The operations to be applied when the value of the boolean variable or constant is false.


The if else structure can be written in abbreviated form.

variable name = (variable value if boolean variable or constant? boolean is true: variable value if boolean is false);


import java.io.*;

public class Main
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int x = 30;
		    System.out.println("x = "+x);
		} else if(x==20){
		    System.out.println("x = "+x);
		} else {
		    System.out.println("x = "+x);


x = 30


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