In Linux, a wireless link will show "wlanx" but I want to change it to "ethx" or whatever I want. How do I change the eth0 or wlan0 Network Interface Card name on Linux?....
How to get table size in mysql
You can run this command on your MySQL database to check table size. Please follow all the steps.....
How to configure postfix to send mail with smtp server
This document presents how to configure postfix to send e-mail as named " trasport" on postfix configuration. You can send e-mail to configure SMTP server on postfix configuration.....
How to Shrink an LVM Volume Safely on Linux
Logical volume management which named LVM allows you to decrease or increase the size of the logical volume and also filesystem. I 'll try to explain how to decrease logical volume size and also Filesystem size on this KB.....
How to change qdepth for Red Hat
The default Max Queue Depth setting is 32 for Red Hat. You can change it to configure /etc/modprobe.conf [RHEL 5] and also add new config file to /etc/modprobe.d/ [for RHEL 6].....
How to remove and purge old MySQL binary log files
You can setup binary logs on MySQL where the data isn’t being replicated and critical. This operation will allow you to recover the database to a specific point in time.....