Check this post to get information about How to remove HDLM device permanently?....
How to extend swap space on Linux
This post describes how to extend swap space on Linux by adding a new LVM device also extend an existing LVM device.....
How to extend filesystem on linux
This knowledgebase describes how to extend filesystem online. There 'll 6 steps that you need to follow.....
Windows cant detect hard drive on clean install
At this KB I 'll describe how to fix windows driver problems on a fresh installation. When you try to install Windows OS you can get an error that windows can not find suitable Hard drives that install Operating System.....
How to Shrink an LVM Volume Safely on Linux
Logical volume management which named LVM allows you to decrease or increase the size of the logical volume and also filesystem. I 'll try to explain how to decrease logical volume size and also Filesystem size on this KB.....
How to change qdepth for Red Hat
The default Max Queue Depth setting is 32 for Red Hat. You can change it to configure /etc/modprobe.conf [RHEL 5] and also add new config file to /etc/modprobe.d/ [for RHEL 6].....